This blog site is designed to encourage and give ideas for one-on-one evangelism and to provide devotions that relate to God's heart towards the unsaved. 'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God'. (Romans 10:17) May we think of others as He does.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Who led you to the Lord?

Who was the significant person in your life who shared Jesus with you? It may have been several. I would love to know how many of you either:
  • came to know the Lord through the efforts of one person
  • came to know the Lord through the efforts of several people
  • came to the Lord via a Christian rally of some sort
  • came to know the Lord through no person but had a supernatural encounter with God himself.

Tell me your story (briefly please). These will encourage other people.

Thanks heaps

Jenny Mac

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jen love the site! I had a friend in high school who prayed for me all the time. Then i had another friend who helped through a very difficult time and she led me to try and see if God is real - then i had a supernatural experience with God and could no longer deny his existence. He wasn't letting me go.
